Mata Kushmanda

On the fourth day Mata Durga is worshiped as her Maa Kushmanda swarup. She is depicted as seated on a lion, and possesses eight arms. She resides in solar systems and represents all knowledge. Seven types of weapons are shown in seven hands and prayer beads in her right hand. She likes the offerings of Khmhde. Therefore her name Kushmanda has become famous.
She is also known as Krishnamanda and is belived to have created the universe, so she is called as Adi Swarup. She is also called Astbhuja. Worship of Maa Kushmanda brings light into darkness and ignorance, gives true knowledge, destroys ego, disease, sorrow, depression, ignorance. Kumbh Bhand means to see cosmic.
Vivacity in pindi shape or knowledge of cosmic intricacies in human race. The adobe of Mata Kushmanda is in Bhimaparvat.